Hello all, Mommy here. We have decided to keep this blog going, so everyone who has given us such love can keep knowing our Johnny. We are settling in, still, figuring out what he likes and doesn't like and how we fit together. He adjusted to the cloth diapers wonderfully and we are doing a few loads of laundry a week. He is a wiggle monkey and never seems to stop moving. He is awake nearly all morning, just looking around and cuddling, but he sleeps well at night. Papa likes to feed him formula and spend some quite time, so Mommy gets some extra rest and gets to pump at night.
Our current dilemma is if we are going to continue to give him breast milk and for how long. He is such a big, healthy and hungry baby and latching was not working. We made the decision not to stress and fight (as we were beginning to do) we began to pump and give him bottles, but he just can't get enough. I spend most of the day pumping and already have a blocked milk duct. Johnny is the joy of my life, he is everything and I want what is best for us. I know that there is a lot of information that says that breast is best but I don't want that to be our lives. I was formula fed and I am an extremely healthy person. There are pros and cons for both and we are currently debating and seeing what we think is best for Johnny. He has is first appt on Monday so we will see how his size is and what the doctor says.
I can not say how much I love this little baby. My entire life has changed and my out look on the world. I have never felt so much hope as I do when I look into his little eyes. We took him out today, we got these pictures done and then we walked around the mall. It made me so happy to have him out. I can't explain how I was filled with this joy, I really felt like a mother. I don't know why taking him out made me feel like a mom, but I felt so responsible and full of love.
We had a special visit from Aunt Cookie and John Robert's godmother, Crissy from Ohio this week end. What a wonderful visit! He showed off just enough. His christening will be in Ohio on May 18th (after Daddy comes home) and he'll have THREE godparents, not only cousin, Crissy but Uncle Tommy and Aunt "Natny".. What a lucky little boy. Aunt Cookie is even planning a wonderful celebration for afterwards at her house. We truly are blessed.