Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Johnny has been eating more then normal the past two days...oh god I hope this is another growth spurt!! AHHHH :) He has also been needier lately, wanting to be held and just lay on me looking out, when he isn't being held or walked around by one hand he is complaining to be picked up again...we have noticed he has never had a tear!!! I remember when his tear ducks opened (his eyes where really goupy) around 3 months, but still no matter what no tears...will ask the doctor, though sadly we now have to switch pediatritian to military a doctor on post...but it will be okay.
I forgot the camera and pictures at the house where there is not yet any Internet, tomorrow hopefully, but here is the website of with the external pic and the lay out.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
So we accepted the house on Friday (in patriot village on post) and Monday we will be recieving our house hold goods!!!! We have been buying bathroom stuff and rugs for the past 2 days...tomorrow we baby prood and paint. Finally we have a yard and a fence, come spring I get to plant!!! This is all so exciting...I have been wanting to paint Johnny's room since we had him, sage green and he got a dark green rug, it will be so cute!!! Will post some pictures tomorrow.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Accidental Pictures
Terrie is the same photographer who took our first family pictures and who will take Johnny's one year pictures. Her day job is at Thomas' school and she just loves babies, so is a ton of fun to do pictures with!!
By the way here are the pictures of Baby Wyatt
Friday, January 16, 2009
Walking consistantly
I realise I have been bloging a lot, but there have been a lot of things going on...I would say first steps are blog worthy. I feel like it was barely crawling then pulling himself up and I turned my head for a second and he started walking. John Robert walked at nine months old and it has been more and more lately. It seems every time I turn around he is on his feet rocking to the next wall of chair to hold himself on. So here are a few pictures and videos. I wish I could share with you all how far he really goes, all the way across a room and then back....He will be 10 months old tomorrow, by 11 months he will be walking around the mall (by 12 months asking for the car keys)
Still no news from housing on a move in date. We did feel better when we were told that the disgusting broken down house we were first shown was a mistake and maintenance had not even had a chance to get in to it yet. So now we wait...should be this week... no big deal really, just annoying. But Shawn is settling into his new job very well and preparing to fulling take over...already he sees how to improve and make the post better...he has a lot on his plate since there were 2 complete suicides on post in the last six months, being mental health this is something he can't let go on. He is so motivated....it is cute.
As I write this we received word that Shawn's Great Aunt Marget passed away, it was coming and she is happier now, but we are thinking of you all!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Playing at Chick Fil A

He liked the soup! (bet you didn't know chick Fil A had soup) And ate an entire apple....he has been eating a lot today!!! Oh how amazing he is and how big and beautiful. He loved playing with/around other kids his size (though twice his age) one girl kept hugging him!!! It was so cute! He would have played all day, though kept wanting to leave the 3 and under section for the bigger kid tunnels where cousin Ella was playing.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
bye bye formula
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Jousting Temporary Lactose Intolorence and WALKING
It was so nice to be an adult and have a break after spending a week being thrown up on. Apparently after all of the stomach flu and trying to introduce yogurt Johnny has developed a lactose intolerance, our pedi says it is temporary and in a few days of no lactose he should be able to get his formula back. Johnny started to empty his stomach an hour or two after having a bottle. One night, after the first bought Mommy held him, and let it keep coming out right down the front of her dress in the bath tub, he was very tired and every time I set him down he would try to cry and be bent over with how his stomach bothered him. Papa and Grams running around the house helping us clean up and Mommy just holding a sick monkey trying not to cry. But now he is drinking soy milk (not formula since the pedi said it didn't matter and the milk is cheaper) and we are giving it a week before reintroducing any dairy. But I will be permantly tramitised just by the smell and watching it come out of him, but really as long as he was being held he would let it out and then settle back in, not a noise of complant.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Signed in but no house
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tomorrow Shawn will be signing in to post and finally start working. We talked to housing and it looks like we could get a nice two bedroom house in the next two weeks. We are number 2 on the list!!!!! It will be so nice to be settled in one place and comfy!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Everyone is Sick!!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Co-sleeping....I love holding my little monkey why he sleeps and soothing him as he wakes. I absolulty love the hour after he wakes in the morning and he is playful and giggly. He dosen't lay down with us in bed untill early morning, and he is kicky most of the night, but the those few hours of sleep when our cycles are one, make me feel so close. That saying I don't sleep very well when he is in bed with us and with younger children it can be dangerous (though the pediatritian says it is okay at his age and mobility) It is getting closer and closer to the time when he needs to spend all night alone in his own bed....I will miss him.
Our sweet boy is so amazying and each day he dose so many more things. He is starting to wave and really interats, he dances and bobs his head with music. He mimics us singing and certain phrases...he is getitng very close to ooops...and momma (yeah!!!) I wish I could share with each one of you all the things he is doing and can't even put them all down in words. We really are so very blessed!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Papa's Birthday and Johnny's First Bites of Cake
Johnny got to eat cherrios off of a fancy Crystal plate at Papa's Birthday party
Looking for more cake :)
Sorry i got off on a tanget, thinking about the first peas he ate and how they just fell out of his mouth and now he is feeding himself cake...where did the time go?
Papa's Birthday was a lot of fun. Everyone came over and it was so nice to just hang out, eat and chat. Kids running around every where and babies in everyone's arms was wonderful. It is amazying how this family is growing so fast!!!! The adults went to see Valkery (the Tom Cruise movie) since papa loves going to movies and it was acually pretty good, it really sucked you in.