This is from the campground in
Darlington, it was just a festival and it was a lot of fun, Friday June 19

Johnny is a boys boy...he would play in the dirt for hours if I let him and today I let him :)

The pool at the campground was so cool, especially on such a hot day...surprisingly Johnny loved the water, as long as he stayed on the stairs with Momma...but Kat (my best friend Tara's 7 month old daughter) floated in this special floated and would kick her way to Johnny and he would push her away (as he tried to flip her) and they would both laugh and do it again and again.

This is the Lewis Family...Tara, Tim and Kat...they came down from the mountains to go to the local festival, see us and then off on the rest of their vacation....it was so great to see them, the last time I saw them was when Johnny was 5 months old and Kat was still a peanut!

Kat made me cry when I first finally got to see her...I have known her mom for 3 years now and she is a miracle baby in many ways and so sweet!!!

Kat really took to Shawn, leaning in to hug and kiss him a lot, trying to leap from her Momma as they where trying to leave :)

Johnny being the hungry monkey he is, was super sweet to all as we were eating dinner :)

Much to all of our pleasure Kat and Johnny got along super super well and played together a lot, sharing and being sweet.

But Johnny still went off on his own a little...this reading books thing on his own is new and so great.

Hey she really likes him...but he is a little too small to hold her (though twice her weight and age:)

so cute
loven the tickles from Auntie Tara

And his future girlfriend making sure he was okay, taken good care of him.
Friday and Saturday where about catching up with old friends and showing off. It was all so much fun!!!! Friday Johnny and Momma went the 13 miles to
Darlington to a local festival to meet up with our friends the Lewis family...It was so much fun to sit around and talk with my friend Tara, realizing..wow we are Moms...what happened :) , showing Johnny off and playing with Kat. Saturday with the rainy weather our friends came to visit us at the house and have dinner and just
relax a little. The kids took to each other and our
families settled nicely into each other...it is sad they live to far away and it will probably be 6-12 months before we get to see them again ....sad.