Johnny and his little friend Chloe on Friday. I did not set this up!!! We where all watching Elmo, when I got down and Johnny climbed back up and tucked them both in.

Saturday all the Dennisons got together at the duck pond for some family pictures and then everyone came over to our house for a birthday dinner for Daddy, ribs, macaroni salad, potato fries and Boston creme pie!

Thankfully Uncle Chuckles, Aunt Chel and Wyatt where able to come and visit for the week end!! Ella loved that Uncle Chuckles was reading books to her, and Johnny joined right in when he learned they where Elmo books.

While the adults talked and drank some beer (non alcoholic for Mommy) Grams and Pops took all the grand kids to the local park.

Johnny had a runny nose all week end, but it didn't slow him down!!

Swinging away with Cousin Wyatt.

When they got back from the park, it was time for a diaper change! Sam needed one too :) and Johnny just loves his little cousin. Yes that shirt is a picture of two monkeys and says "I'm the big brother!" Uncle Chuckles picked it up from the Carters outlet in Ohio...it is perfect!!!

Ella and Johnny put the candles on Daddy's pie!

Then we all sang to Daddy. Wow Momma's hair is long!

Ella teaching Johnny how to play games on the computer.

Sunday we dressed Johnny up and took him to the Renaissance Fair, isn't he cute? Those are Christmas pants that Mommy adjusted to make nickers. We are going to expand this into his Halloween costume.

Johnny wasn't so excited about the turkey leg, still a little much for him to chew, but he did like feeding it to Daddy :)

Ahh the Ye Olde Play Ground, we spent a good hour here and Johnny could have spent much more!

See him clapping? He really loves slides!

But he always goes down backwards, at least he doesn't go forward.

Moving on the pirate ship, arrg.

Now this was a real slide!! I thought the toddler would be scared, but he did it 5 times!!!

After the playground we walked around for a little while and heard some really exciting Irish music, Johnny started jumping around in the stroller and clapping, so we stopped to listen.

We discovered a teething monkey today, so we let him have him binky on and off. (He has two new teeth, that makes 14 teeth now!!!) When he would get excited I would ask for it and he would happily hand it to me. Here he is getting happy and dancing to the music.

Then we moved closer so Johnny could see everything and the women started dancing, the classic Irish step dancing, and Johnny joined right in and started to copy them!

Letting Johnny pick out a toy was a lot of fun! This "war axe" had a foam "blade" and he thought it was hilarious to attack Mommy.

Then given this little untreated wooden dagger he like to "stab" Daddy :)

So we got him the dagger and now he is plotting world domination.

The Day at the Renn Fair was A LOT of fun, I really treasure being able to share these things with Johnny and especially when he enjoys them too :) He fell asleep very fast in the car holding his binky...that is how tired he was!

When we took Johnny to Walmart on Friday this is what he picked out...a "qwak qwak." For some reason he really loves ducks right now. This one is extra cute since it is a big duck and a little duck, big brother and little peanut :)