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A Sunbeam to Warm you, A Moonbeam to Charm You, A Sheltering Angel, That Nothing May Harm You

Thursday, December 18, 2008

9 Month Pictures

Standing, which he didn't want to stay standing so this is all.

he put him self in this position...i picked this background, shawn says it looks like Johnny is at a prom.

I love this picture!!! It is so the way this suit was for his one year pictures....

I decided that there weren't enough pictures of Johnny and me, the angel is horrible, but we are cute.

Look how cute!!!

"I'd like to buy a vowel, Alex."

Always on the go and always so freaken cute.

"I am the godfather"
I really like the pictures this month!!! He just has so much personality and is just so adorable!!
I was just thinking about Johnny turning 9 months. I am of two minds. On one side I am like "no he can't be nine months old, we just got released from the hospital!!" on the other side I am like "only nine months, he has been here forever." Eaither way in three months he will be one year old and we will no longer have infant...but a toddler....HOLY CRAP!!! I am pretty proud of us, we still use the cloth diapers and the organic food, I have kept up (for the most part) with his baby book and we spend lots of time with Johnny. Again on the other hand, we can't decide where to co sleep and breastfeeding didn't stick, but we love our little monkey and enjoy every day we have with him.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love the suit! I never even thought of putting my boys in little suits. I will have to keep that in mind for our next set of pictures. The background does remind me of prom, but still very cute! Time does fly by! I still don't think of mine as toddlers!