Aug 2008, Johnny made his first trip to play at the park by Grams and Pops house, he was 6 months at 16 months old, going to play at the park is a lot more fun!
and Now
and Now
So in 10 months look at how he has changed and grown!!!! Isn't it crazy? He learns so fast and so much.
Oh and on a side note "Melmo" (or Elmo in Johnny language) has become VERY exciting. I really wanted him to like Cookie Monster, but I guess Melmo is Okay too :) Johnny found an Elmo chair in Samantha;s nursery today (before he made a cold coffee mess every where and gave Momma a stress related heart attach) and smiled, laughed, and pointed at the chair and said "Momma MELMO!" and sat in it contently. Then at bath time we have a potty seat that is Sesame Street and Johnny likes sitting on the potty before his bath, he excitedly pointed at the part of the seat he could see and said "MELMO MELMO," so loudly I could hear it downstairs :) I guess Melmo is just apart of our lives now.
Cute pics! I love how the cat is just chilling under the swing, checking it out :)
Thanks!! I am a little crazy about taking pictures of him lol oh and that cat is actually my parent's cat that refused to live inside, but would follow anyone who walked out of my parent's house, he walked us down to the park as if to protect us :)
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