Here is the first post from Christmas Day.

Hey Look...Johnny was VERY good boy this year and Santa came to visit leaving behind lots of gifts and toys.

Elmo here was Johnny's big gift, he sings 4 songs and over 60 phrases, reacting to hugs and head pats and all other sorts of things...even sits on his little stool.

John Robert's stocking, stuffed to over flowing!

Sweet little boy sleeping away.

And then in the morning happy and smiling, excited to see Christmas morning!
All of Johnny's family came over for the morning to see Johnny opening his presents. We where so sure he would run right to his Elmo waiting under the tree. Everything going and everyone around was a little over whelming, but he quickly warmed up and figured it all out.

Johnny had a system...he would pick a present carry it to Daddy's lap, turn around sit down and opened his present with Daddy.

He also got lots of presents from his Aunt Kimmy, GG, and Grandma Sharon. It was a very exciting morning.

Eating up his one pound chocolate Santa out of his stocking.

Look at all that loot....really! Johnny must have been a VERY good boy and very VERY loved.

Making sure he got all his presents out of every where.

Even though Santa was sure that Elmo would be his favorite toy it ended up being all of these Little People. His train which he drove around saying "choo choo" and stacking people in and out.

Johnny also really loved this car mega block play set Aunt Kimmy got him. It took her a while to put it together for him...but it was really worth it!
After presents we got dressed up and had a big family breakfast and played a whole bunch more...that is another post with even more pictures.
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