May 28th is very rapidly approaching! So we are getting everything ready!!! Lily's beautiful bassinet, we made a little extra sweet with a big pink bow and some sweet cloth lilies. I am not sure how long those lilies will stay there, since they are just tucked under the mattress right now.

Grams made these curtains that match the curtains on the bassinet, ceiling to floor! With a pink layered sheer underneath. And the pictures in the wall came from Mommy's room when she was a little girl! One still has the receipt on the back!!! $7.99 for one and $3.99 for the other (it had broken glass.)

Her room is very sweet!

And here is her Mommy knit keepsake sweater that she will wear home from the hospital! Mommy got it done in two days, because I wanted to see it so badly. It is the perfect size and so sweet! I can't wait to see her in it.

We had another midwife apt this week...now that Mommy is in her third trimester she gets to go every two weeks. And still everything is growing great, no weight gain and Lily's heart rate is still perfect. Mommy has been having rather painful "braxton hicks"contractions, but that is normal with a second pregnancy, as well as the charlie horses in my legs and cramps and pulls all around. Lily has not turned yet, she is breached...but that is not a big concern with 9 weeks left to go. I should start the home remedies to turn her myself and if she is still breached next visit I will need to see a chiropractor to get some help. If by 37 weeks she hasn't turned the midwife will have to try and that I have heard is painful...further then that and a C section will be needed. But with all that said the midwife wasn't concerned with 9 full weeks left.
Getting SO close, I can't believe it! Her room looks great!
Oh wow, SO beautiful!! I can't wait to see Wee Baby Lily!
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