Sesame Street is a big supporter of the military and military families. Every year they offer 4 free tickets to Sesame Place for every military family and they have teamed up with the USO to create a special Sesame Street series,
Talk, Listen, Connect, to helper younger kids deal with deployments and everything that comes with them.
May is the month of the Military Child and APG kicked it off with a free Sesame Street Live mini show here on post. It was only 45 mins long (which we thought was a perfect amount of time.) Cookie Monster, Grover, Rosetta, Zoe, and Elmo came and sang songs and played games for the kids. I was so nervous that they where going to do the Elmo's Daddy has to go away story line. For some reason (I blame pregnancy hormones) I was super emotional and started crying when they even mentioned it at the beginning. But thankfully it was just songs about being happy and making music.

Every kid that walked in the door was given one of these Elmo light up spiny toys, at the Sesame Street Live show they are at least $10 a piece. Johnny was very excited, especially after Mommy showed him how to make it work.

I think Daddy was excited too. Johnny is really starting to look even more like his Daddy!

We took Uncle Tommy, Aunt Natalie, Ella and Sammi. Sammi really enjoyed the show more then we thought she would. She watched the characters dance and smiled really big the entire time....and oh isn't she cute?

Ella sporting her USO bandanna and wishing that Abby Cadabby was part of the cast...sorry Ella.

As the characters came out everyone cheered for their favorite, of course we tried to get Johnny to yell and bounce for Elmo, but he tensed up, he was so excited and didn't know what to do with himself. Also it was near 90 degrees yesterday when we discovered that he has no short sleeve Elmo shirts! Aren't we bad parents!

He couldn't sit still, it was all so over whelming.

Sammi loved it when her Mommy made her dance.

Johnny loved it the most too when he was allowed to dance in the isle. But it didn't last long, since some parents started to rush the stage with their kids and where running frantically down the isles.
It was a nice experience that I think Johnny really enjoyed! I really love that Sesame Street and the USO went above and beyond to do this show here on our base. Makes you proud to be a military family.
1 comment:
If it wasn't for wonderful organizations that do such wonderful things for the military you guys wouldn't have been able to see and do so much. I'm tearing up just remenbering.
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