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A Sunbeam to Warm you, A Moonbeam to Charm You, A Sheltering Angel, That Nothing May Harm You

Friday, September 17, 2010

John Robert 2 and a half years!

For Exactly 30 months Johnny has been running our lives, and it has been wonderful!

We know how lucky we are, John Robert is one of those great kids, who is smart and sweet, adorable and mostly well behaved, but still very ruff and tumble. He learns everything quickly, animal sounds and names, concepts like up, down, under, in and over and most dinosaur names and what they eat. In fact when he plays with the different size dinosaurs he organizes them by species and into little families, with Mommies and babies. He loves imaginative play, making his dinosaurs and other "friends" talk to each other and play games. He has recently discovered hide and seek! and plays it all the time, even when no one else is, he will hide and then count (up to four, though some times skipping 2) and then runs out laughing.

He loves to dance and sing with just about anything. Singing usually includes yelling out random words when they come up in the song. He loves taking walks with Papa in the mornings and gathering his collection of leaves, acorns, feathers and his favorite, rocks! His favorite shows include Dinosaur Train and Go Diego Go with sides of Dora the Explorer and Sesame Street. He also loves to pretend to eat your nose and when you pretend to eat his.

Johnny is already showing us how protective he will be over his sister! He will get her anything she needs, and does not like it when he can't see her..."MY WIWWY." "I need see my Wiwwy." Whenever she is doing belly time he does it with her and likes to put her binky back in her mouth.

When it comes to eating he still eats just about anything, but his appetite goes up and down often, eating a lot for a few days, then just nibbling for a next few days. His favorite foods are currently chewies, oranges, grilled cheese and mac and cheese.

When it comes to discipline we still use timeout exclusively and mostly that works, unless he thinks we aren't paying attention and climbs out. Last week Shawn sent him to his room when he was really being bad and you would have thought we had slapped him flat. He screamed and cried big tears and immediately started to behave himself. We have to keep that for worst case behaviors, it really effects him and made us feel really bad! He is full of energy and can be a hand full, but mostly he listens well and is a good boy. He always astonishes people with how polite he is, saying "pese" "tank you" and "welcome." without being prompted!

Johnny is just such an amazing kid who loves to be held and cuddle (when he is watching TV,) give hugs and kisses and is always saying "I wuv you" "I wuv my Mommy, my Daddy, my Wiwwy, my Papa, my Grams" and he loves everyone else just ask him!


Grams said...

He still reminds me of what his Uncle Tommy looked like at that age. So proud to be his Grams!

Jen said...

love the pictures!