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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

One of those Momments

I was cuddling with Johnny on the couch playing with his T- Rex and his dolphin. The T- Rex and dolphin where having a is how it went:

T-Rex using Johnny's voice : Hi, I a Teransours
Dolphin using Mommy's voice : Hi, I am a dolphin
T-Rex: I happy
Dolphin: Why are you happy?
T-Rex: I not know
Dolphin: What makes you happy?
after a short minute of thought
T-Rex: My Mommy, My Daddy and My Baby.

I immediately started crying and hugging him and he immediately tried to escape me. Isn't it amazing that it isn't his toys, or snacks, or TV or the fact that he was suppose to be taking a nap and wasn' was his family that made him happy! This shows us the depth of his heart and soul and gives us a hint at the pure hearted man he will be.

Something else that really got me is that it isn't just Mommy and Daddy, but in three short months his baby sister is so ingrained in his life and he loves her so much that without thought or pause she was added onto what makes him happy, I wonder if he remembers before she joined us? If he is happier now?

What an OUTSTANDING little boy! Everyday he takes my breath away.

1 comment:

Grams said...

You are an outstanding mom and I know Grampa is smiling.