Happy First Birthday Samantha Adair....we love you very much!!!

Wednesday was Sammi girl's first birthday...this is our gift to her, the tutu outfit and special hat. Grams plans on taking a picture of each of the three girls line up girls in it (Sam, Lily, Piper) Johnny also got his favorite play friend a large pink stuffed dinosaur!

Look at our three week old hold her head up and be super alert! I watched her do this and decided it was time for her first submersion bath.

Daddy checking the temperature of her bath with the dolphin thermometer that was in the labor tub when we had Lily. Daddy is very careful about his little girl, her bath was 85 degrees and Johnny's was 98 degrees, on the outside of the pink tub.

Johnny was super excited to have a bath with his little sister! And every day he gets more gentle with her and better with her being around.

Lily liked the bath, until Mommy started to wash her. Right now we are using lavender soap trying to get her to sleep as long as possible after her bath, also she is only getting a bath every other day, she seems to have sensitive skin, she gets diaper rashes quick!

Lily is a strange baby, after nursing she likes to stay awake for a little while and then must be held or rocked to sleep. So I nursed her before her bath and then rocked her asleep after and she slept from 8:30 till 1am! Poor Daddy was waiting up to give her her formula bottle, thinking it would be 10 or 11, Mommy was in bed at 8:35.
I seem to have forgotten everything about having a newborn and more often then not I am freaking out or calling my mom, for answers to questions I already know. We are still getting settled into each other, though it feels like she has always been here. Lily doesn't seem to want to be on a schedule or even stay constant on her wants from day to day. Some days a 15 min feeding will last her 3 hours, other day a 45 min feeding will last her 1 hour or I am feeding her all day long. Some days she wants to be held all day long and will wake up 10 mins after you set her anywhere, but other days she will sleep just set down on the couch for 5 hours! It is a tad frustrating, but we are figuring it out!
I have really loved having Shawn home with us. He has been doing housework and taking care of Johnny and helping me at night when I don't feel good. Not only has he been helpful but he is just fun to have around during the day and we have been reconnecting over our children...it is wonderful to have our full family, even if exhausting some times.
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